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3. 活动图, UML学习笔记

Published: 2008-03-20 Categories: Tech Tags: Activity Diagrams Workflows UML 活动图 流程视图

Modeling System Workflows: Activity Diagrams
为工作流程建模: 活动图

Activity diagrams are the only UML diagram in the process view of your system's model.

process: 流程
flowchart: 流程图
activity: 活动
action: 动作
initial node: 初始节点
activity final node: 活动结束节点
edge/path: 链/路径
activity edge: 活动链
incomming edge: 进入链
outgoing edge: 退出链
activity flow:活动流
decision node: 判断节点
merge node: 合并节点
flow of control: 控制流
activity frame: 活动框
guard condition: 监护条件
concurrently: 同步
in parallel: 平行
fork: 分叉点
join: 结合点
time event: 时间事件
pitchfork: 分叉定位点
call avtivity: 调用活动节点
object node: 对象节点
pin: 拴
input pin: 输入拴
output pin: 输出拴
send signal node: 发送信号节点
receive signal node: 接收信号节点
asynchronously: 异步
interruption region: 中断区域
flow final node: 流结束节点
partition/swimlane: 活动分区/泳道
Connector: 连接符
expansion region: 扩展区域
input collention: 输入集合

Figure 3-1. Activity Diagrams

Learning UML 2.0, O'Reilly
by Russ Miles & Kim Hamilton

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